Texts are received by my work number text app, not my personal cell. I am able to easily respond to texts throughout my workdays (M-TH). I don’t have daily staff answering phone calls, so they always go to voicemail. Please include your first and last name on your text if you are new. Note that I am not 'on call' for urgent care and won't respond out of my working hours. In the case of emergency always call 911 or go to an urgent care.

For prescription refills, please call your pharmacy directly and they will fax me a refill request.

The clinic entry is on SE 47th Ave just 20 paces Northwest of the corner of 47th and SE Center St. View of the clinic is obscured by bamboo and stone landscaping if you are not standing directly in front of the entry. The door is clearly labeled with my name and logo.


In the heart of Southeast Portland

4625 SE Center St

Portland, OR 97206

Phone or Text: 503-772-1700

Fax: 503-788-5894